MeetingsEvery year, WASDA holds three events, each offering members and invited guests various opportunities to connect and conduct business. Annual MeetingIn the first quarter of each year WASDA hosts its Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting serves as a place for WASDA members to attend educational seminars that are relevant to their business and professional development and is intended for executive management and owners. Networking is facilitated through both informal networking opportunities (free afternoons) and through WASDA hosted programs such as the annual golf tournament and 5K Walk/Run. Washington SummitThe WASDA Washington Summit is your company's chance to advocate for the waterworks industry on current critical issues on The Hill. The U.S. Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act (H.R. 3684) and the appropriation of funds is just the start of legislative issues directly tied to our industry. Attendees participate in a Legislative Debriefing, hear presentations from members of U.S. Congress and Agencies, visited with U.S. Representatives and Senators, and networked with colleagues. Fall Meeting & Partnership ForumThe Fall Meeting & Partnership Forum is held in the fourth quarter of each year. During the Fall Meeting WASDA hosts the popular Partnership Forum. The Partnership Forum takes place over two days and is the most cost-effective meeting where Distributor and Associate Members gather to conduct business. This allows members to meet key decision makers in one place thus saving time and money. Attendees can meet with 40 or more business over the course of the meeting. |